Leviticus 1:14-17

Great(i) 14 If the burntofferynge for the sacrifyce of the Lorde be of the foules, he shal bring hys sacrifice of the turtill doues or of the yong pygeons. 15 And the preaste shall brynge it vnto the alter, and wrynge the necke a sundre of it, and burne it on the alter. But the bloud therof shall runne oute vpon, by the syde of the alter. 16 And he shal plucke awaye his croppe with hys fethers, and cast them besyde the alter on the easte parte in the place of asshes. 17 And he shall breke the wynges of it, but plucke them not asundre. And the Preaste shall burne it vpon the alter, euen vpon the wodd that is vpon the fyre, that it maye be a burnt sacrifyce for a swete sauoure vnto the Lord.