1 And the chyldren of Israel beganne agayne to do wickedly in the syght of the Lord, when Ahud was dead.
2 And the Lord solde them into the hande of Iabin kyng of Canaan, that raygned in Hazor, whose captayne of warre was called Sisara, which dwelt in Haroseth of the gentiles.
3 And the children of Israel cryed vnto the Lorde: for he had nyne hundred charrettes of yron, & twentie yeres he troubled the children of Israel very sore.
4 And Debora a Prophetysse, the wyfe of Lapidoth Iudged Israel the same tyme,
5 & the same Debora dwelt vnder a paulme tree betwene Ramath and Bethell, in mounte Ephraim. And the children of Israel came vp to her for iudgement.