Judges 3:8-30

Great(i) 8 Therfore the lord was angrye with Israel, & delyuered them into the handes of Chusan Risathaim kyng of Mesopotamia, and the children of Israell serued Chusam Risathaim .viii. yeres. 9 And when the children of Israel cryed vnto the lorde, the lorde stered vp a sauer, to the children of Israel, & saued them: one Othoniel the sonne of kenes. Calebs younger brother. 10 And the sprete of the lorde came vpon him. And he iudged Israel, and went out to warre. And the lorde delyuered Chusan Risathaim kyng of Mesopotamia into his hande, & his hande preuayled agaynst Chusan Risathaim. 11 And the lande had rest fourtye yeres, and Othoniel the sonne of kenes died. 12 And the children of Israel went to agayne, & committed wickednesse in the sight of the lord. And the Lord strengthed Eglon the kyng of the Moabites, agaynst the children of Israel, because they had committed wickednesse before the lord. 13 And this (Eglon) geathered vnto hym the children of Ammon, and the Amalekites, and went and smote Israel, & conquered the citye of Paulme trees. 14 And so the children of Israel serued Eglon the king of Moab .xviii. yeres. 15 But when they cryed vnto the lorde, the lorde stered them vp a sauer, Ahud the sonne of Gera the sonne of Iemini a man that coulde do nothing handsomlye with his ryght hande. And by him the chyldren of Israel sent a present vnto Eglon the king of Moab: 16 but Ahud made him a dagger with two edges, of a cubyte length, & he dyd gyrde yt vnto his rayment vpon his right thygh, 17 and caryed the present vnto Eglon the kynge of Moab: And Eglon was a very fatte man. 18 And it fortuned that when he had presented the present, he sent the people that bare it awaye, 19 but he him selfe turned agayne (from the place of grauen ymages, that was by Gilgal) and sayde: I haue a secret errand vnto the, O kyng. Which sayde: kepe sylence. And all that stode before hym, went out from hym. 20 And Ahud came vnto hym, and in a somer parler, which he had, sat he him selfe alone, and Ahud sayde I haue a message vnto the from God. And he arose out of hys seate. 21 And Ahud put forth hys lefte hande, & toke the dagger from his ryght thyghe, & thrust it into hys belye, 22 and the haft went in after the blade. And the fatte, closed the haft, so that he myght not drawe the dagger out of hys belye, but the dyrt came out. 23 Ahud gat him out at a posterne dore, and shut the dores of the parler about him, and locked them. 24 When he was gone out, hys seruauntes came, and whan they sawe that the dores of the parler were locked, they sayde: peraduenture he couereth hys fete in hys somer chamber. 25 And they taried tyll they were ashamed, and beholde: seyng he opened not the dores of the parler: they toke a keye, and opened them. And beholde, their Lord was fallen downe dead on the erthe. 26 And Ahud eskaped (whyle they taryed) and was gone beyonde, to the place of the grauen ymages, and eskaped into Seirath. 27 And when he was come he blewe a trompette in mount Ephraim. And the chyldren of Israel went downe wyth hym from the hyll and he went before them. 28 And he sayde vnto them, folowe me: for the Lord hath delyuered youre enemyes, the Moabytes into youre hande. And they descended after him, and toke the passages of Iordan, towarde Moab, and soffered not a man to passe ouer. 29 And they slew of the Moabites the same tyme vpon a ten thousande men, which were all fatte & men of warre, & there skaped not a man, 30 so Moab was subdued that daye, vnder the hande of Israel: and the land had rest .lxxx. yeres.