15 And she sayde vnto hym agayne: How canst thou saye that thou louest me, when thyne herte is not with me? beholde, thou hast mocked me thys thre tymes, & hast not tolde me, wherin thy greate strength lyeth.
16 And as she laye vpon him with her wordes continually vexyng of hym, hys soule was encombred euen vnto the death.
17 And so he tolde her all his hert, & sayd vnto her: there neuer came raser vpon myne heed, for I haue bene an abstayner vnto God, euen from my mothers wombe: therfore whan I am shauen, my strength wyll go from me, and I shall waxe weake, and be lyke all other men.
18 And when Dalila sawe that he had tolde her all his hert, she sent and called for the lordes of the Philistines, sayeng: come vp yet this once, for he hath shewed me all hys herte. Then the lordes of the Philystines came vp vnto her, & brought the money in their handes.
19 And she made him slepe vpon her knees & she sent for a man, & he dyd shaue of the seuen lockes of his heed, & beganne to vexe him, & his strength was gone from him.
20 And she sayde: the Philistines be vpon the Samson. And he awoke out of his slepe, & sayd: I wil go out now as at other tymes before, & shake my selfe, & he wist not that the Lorde was departed from him.
21 But the Philistines toke hym, and put oute his eyes, & brought hym downe to Azath, and bounde hym with two fetters of brasse. And he dyd grynde in the preson house,