6 Then the wyfe came, & tolde her husband sayenge: a man of God came vnto me, & the fassion of him was lyke the fassion of an Angell of God, excedyng fearfull. But I asked hym not whence he was, nether tolde he me hys name, but sayd vnto me:
7 beholde, thou shalt be with childe & beere a sonne, and now drincke no wyne nor strong dryncke, nether eate any vncleane thyng: for the ladd shalbe an abstayner to God, euen from hys byrth, to the daye of hys death.
8 Then Manoah made intercessyon to the Lorde, and sayde: I praye the my Lorde, lett the man of God whych thou sendest, come once moare vnto vs, and teache vs what we shal do vnto the ladd, when he is borne.