John 8:3-7

Great(i) 3 And the Scribes & Pharises brought vnto hym a woman taken in aduoutry: & whan they had set hir in the myddes, 4 they saye vnto hym: Master, thys woman was taken in aduoutry, euen as the dede was a doing. 5 Moses in the lawe commaunded vs, that suche shulde be stoned. But what sayest thou? 6 This they sayde to tempt him that they myght accuse him. But Iesus stouped downe, and with his fynger wrote on the grounde. 7 So, whan they contynued askynge him, he lyfte him selfe vp, and sayde vnto them: let him that is amonge you without synne, cast the fyrst stone at her.