19 And why? he hath oppressed the poore, & not helped them: houses hath he spoyled, & not buylded them.
20 His bely coulde neuer be fylled, therfore shall he perishe in hys coueteousnesse.
21 There shall none of hys meats be left behinde, therfore shall no man loke for hys prosperite.
22 Whan he had plenteousnesse of euery thynge, yet was he poore, though he was helped on euery syde.
23 For though the wycked haue neuer somoch to fyll his bely, yet God shall sende his wrath vpon him, and cause his indignacyon to raygne ouer him:
24 so that yf he fle the yron weapens, he shall be shott wt the stele bowe.
25 The arowe is taken forth, and gone out of the quyuer, & a glystering sweard thorowe the gall of him, feare shall come vpon hym.
26 There shall no darcknes be able to hyde him An vnkyndled fyre shall consume him, and loke what remayneth in hys house, it shall be destroyed.
27 The heauen shall declare hys wyckednesse, and the earth shall take parte agaynst him.