Jeremiah 51:52-58

Great(i) 52 Wherfore, beholde (sayeth the Lord) the tyme commeth, that I wyll viset the ymages of Babylon, and thorowe the whole land they shall mourne and fall. 53 Though Babylon clymed vp into heauen, and kepte her power an hye: yet shal I sende her destroyers sayeth the Lorde. 54 A pyteous cry shalbe hearde from Babilon, and a greate misery from the land of the Caldees, 55 when the Lorde destroyeth them and when he dryueth out the hye stomack & proude boastynge, wherwith they haue bene as furious as the waues of greate water floudes, and made greate crakes with their wordes. 56 For the destroyers shall come vpon her (euen vpon Babylon) which shall take their worthyes, and breake their bowes: for God is disposed to auenge hym selfe vpon them, and sufficiently to recompence them. 57 Yee, (sayeth the Lorde.) I wyll make theyr princes, theyr wyse men, theyr chefe rulers, and all their worthyes, droncken: so that they shall slepe an euerlastynge slepe, and neuer wake. Thus sayeth the kynge, whose name is the Lorde of Hostes. 58 Moreouer, thus sayeth the Lorde of Hostes. The thycke wall of Babylon shalbe broken, and her hye gates shalbe brent vp. And the thynge that the Gentyles and the people haue wrought with greate trauayle and labour, shall come to naught and be consumed in the fyre.