28 Me thynke I heare allready a crye, of them that be fled and escaped out of the lande of Babilon, which shewe in Sion the vengeaunce of the Lorde our God, the vengeaunce of his temple: yee, a voyce of them, that crye agaynste Babylon.
29 Call vp all the archers agaynst Babilon, pitche your tentes rounde about her, that none escape. Recompence her, as she hath deserued: and accordynge as she hath done, so deale with her agayne, for she hath set vp her selfe agaynst the Lorde, agaynst the holye one of Israel.
30 Therfore shall her yonge men fall downe in the stretes, and all her men of warre shalbe roted out in that daye, sayth the Lorde.
31 Beholde, I speake vnto the, O thou proude, sayth the Lorde God of hostes: for thy daye shall come, euen the tyme of thy visitation.
32 And the proude shall stomble and fall and no man shall helpe him vp. I wyll burne vp his cityes with fyer, and it shall consume all that is rounde about him.
33 Thus sayth the Lorde of hoostes: The children of Israel and Iuda suffer violence together. All they that haue them in captiuitie, kept them fast, and wyl not let them go,
34 but their auenger and redemer is mightye, whose name is the Lorde of hoostes: he shall mainteyne their cause, he shall make the lande shake, and iudge them that dwell therin, one with another.
35 The swearde shall come vpon the Chaldees, sayth the Lorde, vpon them that dwell in Babilon, vpon their princes, and vpon their wyse men.
36 The swearde vpon their sothsayers, as for those, they shall become fooles. The swearde vpon their worthies, so that they shall stande in feare.
37 The swearde vpon their horsmen and charettes, and vpon all the comon people that dwell vnder them: so that they shall all become lyke women. The swearde vpon their treasure, so that it shalbe stollen awaye.
38 A drougth vpon their waters, so that they shalbe dried vp. For the lande worshippeth ymages, and delyteth in straunge wondrefull thinges.
39 Therfore shall wylde beastes, lamia & catte of mountaynes, and estryches dwell therin, for there shall neuer man dwell there, nether shall eny man haue his habitation there for euermore.
40 Like as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorre, with the cityes that laye ther aboute, sayth the Lorde. So shall no man dwell there also, nether shall eny man haue there his habitatyon.
41 Beholde, there shall come a people from the north with a greate bonde of men, and many kynges shall stande vp from the endes of the earthe.
42 They beare bowes and bucklers, cruell are they and vnmercyfull. Their voyce roareth like the raging see, they ryde vpon horsses, and come weapened to fyght agaynst the, O Babylon.
43 Assoone as the king of Babilon heareth tell of them, his handes shall waxe feable. Sorowe and heuynes shall come vpon him, as a woman trauelynge with chylde.
44 Beholde, lyke as the lyon commeth vp from the pleasaunt medowes of Iordane vnto the grene pastures of Ethan, so wyll I dryue them forth, and make them runne agaynst her. But whom shall I chose out: & ordeyne to soch a thynge? For who is lyke me, or who will stryue wt me? or what shepherd maye stande agaynst me?
45 Therfore, heare the councell that the Lord hath geuen vpon Babilon, and the deuyce that he hath taken vpon the land of the Chaldees: The least among the people shall teare them in peces, and loke what pleasaunt thing they haue: they shall laye it waste.
46 The noyse at the wynnynge of Babylon shall moue the earth, and the crye shalbe heard amonge the Gentiles.