15 Thynckest thou to raygne, now that thou prouokest me to wrath with the Cedre trees? Dyd not thy father eate and drincke, and prospere well, as longe as he dealt wt equite and righteousnesse?
16 Yee, when he helped the oppressed and poore to their right, then prospered he well. From whence came thys, but onely because he had me before hys eyes, sayeth the Lorde?
17 Neuertheles, as for thyne eyes and thyne herte, they loke vpon coueteousnesse, to shed innocent bloude, to do wronge & violence.
18 And therfore, thus sayeth the Lorde agaynst Iehoakim, the sonne of Iosias kyng of Iuda. They shall not mourne for him (as they vse to do) alas brother, alas syster. Nether shal they saye vnto him: Alas syr, alas for that noble prince.
19 But as an Asse shall he be buryed, corrupte and be cast without the gates of Ierusalem.