5 For he that made the, shalbe thy Lord & husbande (whose name is the Lorde of hostes) and thy redemer shalbe euen the holy one of Israel, the Lorde of the whole worlde.
6 For the Lord, hath called the, beynge as a desolate sorowfull woman, & as a younge wyfe that hath broken her wedlocke: sayeth thy God.
7 A lytle whyle haue I forsaken the, but wt greate mercyfulnes shall I take the vp vnto me.
8 When I was angry, I hydde my face from the for a lytle season, but thorow euerlastinge mercye haue I pardoned the, sayth the Lord thyne auenger.
9 And this is vnto me as the water of Noe: for lyke as I haue sworne that I wyll not bringe the water of Noe eny more vpon the worlde: so haue I sworne that I wyll neuer be angry with the, ner reproue the:
10 The mountaynes shall remoue, and the hylles shall fall downe: but my louynge kyndnesse shall not moue, and the bonde of my peace shall not fall downe from the, sayeth the Lorde thy mercyfull louer.