Isaiah 43:2-5

Great(i) 2 Yf thou goest thorow the water, I wilbe with the, that the stronge floudes shulde not pluck the awaye. And yf thou walckest thorowe the fyre, it shall not burne the, and the flame shall not kyndle vpon the. 3 For I am the Lord thy God the holy one of Israel, thy Sauioure. I gaue Egypte for thy deliueraunce, the Morians & the Sabees for the: 4 because thou wast deare in my syght, and because I set by the, and loued the. I wyll geue ouer all men for the, and delyuer vp all people for thy sake, 5 feare not: for I am with the. I wyll bringe thy sede from the East, and gather the together from the west.