Isaiah 30:1-7

Great(i) 1 Alas, for those disobedient chyldren (sayth the Lorde) that they wyll take councell without me. Alas, that they wyll take a secret aduice, and not out of my sprete, and therfore adde they synne vnto synne. 2 Euen they that walke to go downe into Egypte, and haue asked no question at my mouth: but seke strength in the myght of Pharao, and trust in the shadowe of Egypt. 3 Therfore shall the strength of Pharao be your confusion, and the truste of the shadowe of Egypte youre shame. 4 For his captaynes were at Zoan, and his ambassadours came vnto Hanes. 5 They were all ashamed of the people that could do them no good, and that might not helpe them, ner shew them any profyt, but were theyr confusyon and rebuke. 6 The heauy burthen of the beastes of the south in a lande of trouble and anguysshe, from whence shall come the yonge and olde lion, the vyper and fyrye serpent that flyeth agaynste them that vpon coltes beare theyr riches, and vpon camels their treasures, to a people that can do them no good. 7 For vaine and nothynge worth shall the helpe of the Egipcyans be. Therfore haue I cryed vnto Ierusalem. They shall haue strength ynough, yf they wyll settle their myndes in quietnes.