Isaiah 15:3-5

Great(i) 3 In theyr stretes are they gyrded aboute with sack cloth. In all the toppes of their houses & stretes shalbe nothynge but mournynge & wepynge. 4 Hesebon & Eleale shall crye, that theyr voyce shalbe hearde vnto Iahaz. The worthyes also of Moab shall bleare out and crye for very sorow of their Myndes: 5 Wo shall my herte be for Moabs sake. They shal flye vnto the cyte of Zoar, which is lyke a fayre yong bullock of thre yere olde, for they shall all go vp to Luith, wepinge. Euen so by the waye toward Horonaim they shall make lamentacion for ther vtter destruccion.