Isaiah 14:4-19

Great(i) 4 then shalt thou vse thys mockage vpon the kyng of Babylon, & saye: How happeneth it that the oppressour leaueth of? Is the golden tribute come to an ende? 5 The Lord hath broken the ceptre of the vngodly & the rodd of the lordly. 6 Which when he is wroth smyteth the people wt continual strokes, & tyrannouselye reignethe ouer the hethen whom he persecuted without compassion. 7 And therfore the whole worlde is now at rest & quyetnes and men synge for ioye. 8 Ye, euen the Fyrre trees & Cedres of libanus reioyse at thy fall sayeng: Nowe that thou art layd downe, there come no mo vp to hewe downe vs. 9 Hell also beneth trembleth to mete the at thy commynge, & for thy sake hath raysed his deade, & all myghtie men & princes of the earth. All kynges of the earth stande vp from their seates, 10 that they may all answere & speake vnto the. Art thou become weake also as we? art thou become lyke vnto vs? 11 Thy pompe and thy pryde is layde downe into the pyt, and so is the melody of thy instrumentes. Wormes be layde vnder the, & wormes are thy couerynge. 12 How art thou fallen from heauen (O Lucifer) thou faire mornynge childe? how hast thou gotten a fall euen to the grounde, and art become weaker then the people? 13 For thou saydest in thyne herte: I will clyme vp into heauen, & exalte my throne aboue besyde the starres of God, I will syt also vpon the holy mount towarde the North, 14 I will clyme vp aboue the cloudes, and wylbe lyke the hyghest of al. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought downe to the depe of hell. 16 They that se the, shall narowly loke vpon the, and thynke in them selues, sayenge: Is thys the man, that brought all landes in feare, and made the kingdomes afrayde? 17 Is this he that made the worlde in a maner waste, and layde the cytyes to the grounde, which let not his prisoners go out? 18 The kynges of the nacions lye euery one in his awne house with worshype, 19 and thou art cast out of thy graue lyke a filthy abhominable braunch: lyke as dead mens raymint that are shot thorow with the swerde, & go downe to the stones of the depe: as a dead coarse that is troden vnder fete: