Isaiah 10:20-25

Great(i) 20 After that daye shall the remnaunt of Israel, & soch as are escaped out of the house of Iacob, seke nomore conforte at him that smote them, but with faythfulnesse & treuth shal they trust vnto the Lord, the holy one of Israel. 21 The remnaunt, euen the Posteryte of Iacob, shall conuerte vnto God the myghty one. 22 For though thy people (O Israel) be as the lande of the see, yet shal the remnaunt of them conuerte in hym. Perfecte is the iudgement of him that floweth in ryghteousnesse, 23 and therfore the Lorde of hostes shall perfectly fulfyll the thynge, that he hath determined in the myddest of the whole worlde 24 Therfore thus sayeth the Lord God of hostes: Thou my people, that dwellest in Syon, be not afrayed, for the kynge of the Assirians: He shal smyte the with a rodd, & shal wagg his staff at the, as the Egypcians dyd some tyme: 25 But soone after, shall my wrath and myne indignacion be fulfylled in the destruccion of them.