Hebrews 9:8-12

Great(i) 8 Wherwith the holy goost thys signifyed, that the waye of holy thynges was not yet opened, whyll as yet the fyrst tabernacle was standyng. 9 Which was a symilitude for the tyme then present, in which were offered gyftes and sacrifices, that coulde not make the minister parfecte, as pertayning to the conscyence, 10 wyth onely meates & drinckes, & diuers wasshinges and iustifyinges of the fleshe, whych were ordeyned vntyll the tyme of reformacyon. 11 But Christ beynge and hye Prest of good thynges to come, came by a greater & a more perfecte tabernacle, not made wyth handes: that is to saye, not of thys buylding, 12 nether by the bloude of goates & calues: but by hys awne bloude he entred in once into the holy place, and founde eternall redempcyon.