Hebrews 11:24-31

Great(i) 24 By fayth Moses when he was great, refused to be called the sonne of Pharaos daughter, 25 & chose rather to suffre aduersitie wyth the people of God, then to enioye the pleasures of synne for a ceason, 26 and estemed the rebuke of Christ greater riches then the treasures of Egypt. For he had respect vnto the rewarde. 27 By fayth he forsoke Egipt & feared not the fearcenes of the king. For he endured, euen as though he had sene him which is inuisible. 28 Thorow fayth he ordeyned the passeouer and that effusyon of bloud, lest he that destroyed the fyrst borne, shulde touch them. 29 By fayth they passed thorow the reed see as by drye lande: which when the Egypcyans had assayed to do, they were drowned. 30 By fayth the walles of Iericho fell downe after they were compassed about seuen dayes. 31 By fayth that harlot Raab perisshed not wt them that were disobedient, when she had receaued the spyes to lodgyng peaseably.