21 Is the lawe then agaynst the promes of God? God forbyd. For yf there had bene a lawe geuen which coulde haue geuen lyfe: then no doute ryghtewesnes shulde come by the lawe.
22 But the scripture concluded all thinges vnder synne, that the promes by the fayth of Iesus Christ shulde be geuen vnto them that beleue.
23 But before that fayth came, we were kepte vnder the lawe, and were shut vp vnto the fayth which shulde afterwarde be declared.
24 Wherfore, the lawe was oure scolemaster vnto Christ, that we shulde be iustifyed by fayth.
25 But after that fayth is come, we are no lenger vnder the scolemaster.