Galatians 2:16-19

Great(i) 16 knowe that a man is not iustifyed by the dedes of the lawe, but by the fayth of Iesus Christ: And we haue beleued on Iesus Chryst, that we might be iustifyed by the faith of Christ, and not by the dedes of the lawe: because by the dedes of the lawe no flesshe shalbe iustifyed. 17 If whyle we seke to be made ryghtewes by Christ, we our selues are founde synners, is then Christ the minyster of synne? God forbyd. 18 For yf I buylde agayne the thynges which I destroyed, then make I my selfe a trespasser. 19 For I (thorowe the lawe) haue bene deed to the lawe, that I myght lyue vnto Christ.