Ezekiel 8:2-6

Great(i) 2 And as I loked vp, I sawe as it were a licknesse of fyre from hys loynes downe warde and from hys loynes vpwarde it shyned maruelous cleare & lyke an angell to loke vpon. 3 This symilitude stretched out an hande, and toke me by the hearrye lockes of my head, and the sprete lyft me vp betwyxte heauen and earth: and brought me in a visyon to Ierusalem, into the entrie of the inner porte that lyeth towarde the north: there stode an ymage, with whom he that hath all thynges in hys power, was very wroth. 4 And beholde, the glory of the God of Israel was in the same place: euen as I had sene it afore in the felde. 5 And he sayde vnto me: Thou sonne of man, O lyft vp thyne eyes, and loke towarde the north. Then lyft I vp myne eyes towarde the north, & beholde: besyde the porte northwarde, there was an aulter made vnto the ymage of prouocacyon in the very entryng in. 6 And he sayde furthermore vnto me: Thou sonne of man, seest thou what these do? Seest thou the greate abhominacyons that the house of Israel commytte in thys place? to dryue me from my sanctuary? But turne the aboute, and thou shalt se yet greater abhominacyons.