15 The other .v.M. after the bredth that lyeth by the .xxv.M. shalbe comen: it shall belonge to the citye and to the suburbes for habitations, and the citie shall stande in the middest therof.
16 Let this be the measure: towarde the north parte .v.C. & .iiij.M. towarde the south parte .v.C. & .iiij.M. towarde the east part, .v.C. & .iiij.M. towarde the west parte .v.C. and .iiij.M.
17 The suburbes harde vpon the citye, shall haue towarde the north .l. and .ij.C. toward the south .l. and .ij.C. towarde the east .l. and .ij.C. towarde the west also .l. and .ij.C.
18 As for the residue of the length, that lyeth harde vpon the separated holy grounde: namely .x.M. towarde the east, and .x.M. towarde the the west, nexte vnto the holy porcion: it and the increase therof shall serue for their meat: that laboure in the citye.
19 They that laboure for the wealth of the citye, shall maynteyne thys also, out of what trybe soeuer they be in Israel.
20 All that is separated of the .xxv.M. longe and .xxv.M. brode on the foure partes, that shall ye put asyde for the separated porcyon of the sanctuary, and for the possession of the citye.
21 The residue vpon both the sides of the sanctuary and possessyon of the citye, shall belonge to the prynce, before the place of the .xxv.M. vnto the eastende, & before the place of the .xxv.M. westwarde vnto the borders of the citye: this shalbe the prynces porcyon. Thys shalbe the holy place, and the house of the sanctuary shall stande in the myddest.
22 Moreouer, from the leuytes and the cityes possession, that lye in the middest of the princes parte: loke what remayneth betwixt the border of Iuda and the border of Beniamin, it shalbe the prynces.