Ezekiel 36:17-20

Great(i) 17 O thou sonne of man, when the house of Israell dwelt vpon their awne grounde, they defiled them selues wt their awne wayes & ymaginacions: so that in my sight their waye was lyke the vnclennesse of a menstruous woman. 18 Wherfore, I poured my wrothfull displeasure vpon them, because of the bloude that they had shed in the lande, & because of their Idols, wherwith they had defiled them selues. 19 I scatred them also amonge the Heathen, so that they were strawed aboute in the landes. Accordinge to their wayes & after theyr awne inuencyons, so dyd I punishe them. 20 Now, when they were gone vnto the Heathen, & come in amonge them, they dishonoured my holy name: so that it was sayde of them. Are these the people of God, & must go out of their awne land?