Ezekiel 35:5-11

Great(i) 5 For so moch as thou bearest an olde enemyte agaynst the chyldren of Israel, and hast drawne the chylderne of Israell vpon the swerde, what tyme as they were troubled and punished for their synne: 6 Therfore, as truly as I lyue, sayeth the Lord God, I will prepare the vnto bloude, yee, bloude shall folow vpon the: seinge thou layest wayte for bloude, therfore shall bloude persecute the. 7 Thus will I make the mount Seir desolate and waste, and bringe to passe, that there shall no man goo thyther, ner come from thence. 8 His mountaynes will I fyll with his slayne men: thy hilles, valleys and ryuers, shall lye full of them, that are slayne with the swearde. 9 I will make the a perpetuall wildernesse, so that thy cityes shall not returne to their former estate that ye maye knowe, how that I am the Lorde. 10 And because thou hast sayde: what, both these nacions and both these landes must be myne, & I will haue them in possession where as the Lorde was there. Therfore, thus sayeth the Lord God: 11 As truly as I lyue, I will handle the accordinge to thy wrath and gelousy, lyke as thou hast dealt cruelly wt them, that I maye be knowen among them, how I haue punished the.