Ezekiel 32:11-16

Great(i) 11 For thus sayeth the Lord God, the king of Babylons swearde shal come vpon the, 12 with the sweardes of the worthyes wyll I smyte downe thy people. All they that be myghtye amonge the Gentyles shal waste the proude pompe of Egypte, & bryng downe all her people. 13 All the catell also of Egipte will I destroye, that they shall come nomore vpon the waters: so that nether mans fote ner beastes clawe, shall stere them eny more. 14 Then will I make their waters depe, & cause their floudes to runne lyke oyle, sayeth the Lord God. 15 When I make the lande of Egypte desolate, and when the countre with all that is therin, shalbe layde waste, & when I smyte all them which dwell in it, that they may knowe, that I am the Lord. 16 This is the mournyng, that the daughters of the Heathen shal make: Yee, a sorow & lamentacion shal they take vp, vpon Egypte, and all her people, sayeth the Lord God.