10 Yee, I will make many people wt theyr kinges so afrayed thorow the, that theyr heare shall stande vp, when I shake my sweard at theyr faces. Sodenly shall they be astonyed, euery man in hym selfe, at the daye of thy fall.
11 For thus sayeth the Lord God, the king of Babylons swearde shal come vpon the,
12 with the sweardes of the worthyes wyll I smyte downe thy people. All they that be myghtye amonge the Gentyles shal waste the proude pompe of Egypte, & bryng downe all her people.
13 All the catell also of Egipte will I destroye, that they shall come nomore vpon the waters: so that nether mans fote ner beastes clawe, shall stere them eny more.