Ezekiel 23:22-30

Great(i) 22 Therfore (O Oholibah) thus sayeth the Lord God: I will rayse vp thy louers (wt whom thou hast satysfyed thy lust) against the, and gather them together rounde about the: 23 namely the Babylonians, and all the Chaldees, rulers, mightye men & tyrauntes, wt all the Assirians: all yonge & fayre louers: princes and Lordes, knyghtes and gentelmen, which be all good horsmen. 24 These shall come vpon the with horses, charrettes, and a greate multitude of people: which shalbe harnessed aboute the on euery syde, wt brestplates, shyldes & helmettes. I wyll punish the before them, yee, they them selues shall punysh the, accordynge to theyr awne iudgement. 25 I will put my gelousy vpon the, so that they shal deale cruelly with the. They shall cut of thy nose and thyne eares, and the remnaunt shall fall thorow the swearde. They shall cary awaye thy sonnes and daughters, and the resydue shalbe brent in the fyre. 26 They shall strype the out of thy clothes, and cary thy costly Iewels awaye with them. 27 Thus wyll I make an ende of thy fylthynesse and whordome, which thou hast brought oute of the lande of Egypte: so that thou shalt turne thyne eyes nomore after them, and cast thy mynde nomore vpon Egypte. 28 For thus sayeth the Lorde beholde I will delyuer the into the handes of them, whom thou hatest, yee, euen into the handes of them, with whom thou hast fulfylled thy lust, 29 whych shall deale cruelly wyth the. All thy laboure shall they take with them, and leaue the naked and bare, and thus the shame of thy fylthye whordome shall come to lyght. 30 All these thynges shall happen vnto the, because of thy whordome which thou hast vsed amonge the Gentyls wyth whose Idols thou hast defyled thy self.