21 But yf the vngodly wyll turne awaye from all his synnes that he hath done, and kepe all my commaundementes, and do the thinge that is equall and ryght: doutles he shall lyue, and not dye.
22 As for all his synnes that he dyd before, they shall not be thought vpon: but in his righteousnes that he hath done, he shall lyue.
23 For haue I eny pleasure in the death of a synner, sayeth the Lord God, but rather that he conuerte, and lyue?
24 Agayne: yf the ryghtuous turne awaye from his ryghtuousnes, and do iniquyte, accordynge to all the abhominacyons, that the wicked man doth: shall he lyue? All the ryghtuousnes that he hath done, shall not be thought vpon: but in the faute that he hath offended withall, and in the synne that he hath done, he shall dye.