Ezekiel 16:36-38

Great(i) 36 thus sayeth the Lorde God: For so moch as thou hast sett forth thy youthe to whordome, & discouered thy shame, thorowe thy whordome wt all thy louers, and with all the Idols of thy abhominacyons in the bloude of thy chyldren, whom thou hast geuen them? 37 Beholde therfore, I will gather together all thy louers, vnto whom thou hast made thy selfe comen: yee, and all them whom thou fauourest, & euery one that thou hatest: I wyll (I saye) gather them together rounde aboute the and will discouer thy shame before them, that they maye se all thy fylthynes. 38 Moreouer, I will iudge the as a breaker of wedlocke and a murtherer, and recompence the thyne awne bloude in wrath and gelousy.