24 All the golde that was occupyed for all the worcke of the holy place, was the golde of the waueofferynge, euen .xxix. hundred weyght, and seuen hundred and .xxx. sycles, accordinge to the sycle of the Sanctuary.
25 And the summe of syluer that came of the multitude, was .v. score hundred weyght, & a thousande seuen hundred & .lxxv. sycles after the Sycle of the Sanctuary.
26 For euery man an halfe weight, euen halfe a sycle after the sycle of the Sanctuary, for all them that went to be nombred from .xx. yeare olde and aboue, euen for .vi. hundred thousande and thre thousande and .v. hundred and .l. men.
27 And of the .v. score hundred weyght of syluer, were cast the sockettes of the Sanctuary, and the sockettes of the vayle: an hundred sockettes of the fyue score hundred weyght, an hundred weyght to euery sockette.
28 And of the thousande seuen hundred & .lxx. sycles, he made knoppes to the pyllers, and ouerlayde the heedes and whoped them.