2 Thys monethe shalbe vnto you the beginning of monethes: and the fyrst moneth of the yeare shall it be vnto you.
3 Speake ye vnto all the congregacyon of Israel, saying: In the .x. daye of thys moneth, euery man take vnto him a lambe, according to the house of the fathers, a lambe thorowout euery house.
4 Yf the housholde be to lytle for the lambe, let hym take hys neyghboure which is nexte vnto his house according to the nombre of the soules: euery one of you, according to his eating, shal make your counte for a lambe.
5 And let the lambe of yours be wtout blemysh, a male of a yeare olde, which ye shall take out from amonge the shepe, or from amonge the goates.
6 And ye shall kepe him in vntyll the .xiiij. daye of the same moneth. And euery man of the multitude of Israel shall kyll him about euen.
7 And they shall take of the bloud, & strike it on the .ij. syde postes & on the vpperdorepost euen in the houses, where they shall eate hym.
8 And they shall eate the flesh the same night: rost wt fyer & wt vnleuended bread, & wt sowre herbes they shall eate it.