Esther 3:12-15

Great(i) 12 Then were the kynges scrybes called on the thirtenth daye of the fyrst moneth and there was written (according as Haman commaunded) vnto all the kynges officers & to the captaynes that were in all the landes, and to the rulars of euery people in the countreyes on euery syde, accordyng to the wryting of euery nacion, and after their language, in the name of kyng Ahasuerus was it wrytten and sealed with the kynges rynge. 13 And the wrytynges were sent by postes into all the kynges landes, to rote out, to kyll, and to destroye all Iewes, both yong & olde, chyldren & wemen in one daye (namely vpon the thirtenth daye of the twelueth moneth, whych is the moneth Adar) & to spoyle their goodes. 14 This was the summe of the wryting, that there shulde be a commaundement geuen in all landes, and publisshed vnto all people, that they shulde be ready agaynst the same daye. 15 And the postes went in all the hast, accordyng to the kynges commaundement. And in Susan the chefe cytie was the commaundement deuised. And the kyng & Haman sate & drancke: whan in the meane tyme the cytie of Susan was disquieted.