Esther 1:17-20

Great(i) 17 for this dede of the quene shall come abrode vnto all wemen, so that they shall despised their husbandes before their eyes, and shal saye: the kyng Ahasuerus commaunded Uasthi the quene to be brought in before hym, but she wold not come. 18 And so shall the princesses in Persia and Media saye likewyse vnto all the kynges princes, when they heare of this dede of the quene, thus shall there aryse to moch despitefulnes & wrath. 19 If it please the kyng therfore, let there go a commaundment from him, & let it be written according to the lawes of the Persians and Medians (and not to be transgressed) that Uasthi come nomore before kyng Ahasuerus, & let the king geue her kingdome vnto another, that is better then she. 20 And when this commaundement of the kyng (which shalbe made) is published thorow out all his empire (whych is greate) all wemen shall hold their husbandes in honoure both among great and small.