11 And the very same made some Apostles, some Prophetes, some Euangelistes, some Shepherdes and Teachers:
12 to the edifyenge of the saynctes, to the worke and ministracyon, euen to the edifyinge of the body of Chryst,
13 tyll we all come to the vnitye of fayth, and knowledge of the sonne of God, vnto a perfecte man, vnto the measure of the full perfecte age of Chryst
14 That we hence forth shulde be nomore chyldren, wauerynge & caryed aboute with euery wynde of doctrine, by the wylynes of men, thorowe craftynes, wherby they laye a wayte for vs to deceaue vs.
15 But let vs folowe the trueth in loue, and in all thynges growe in hym, which is the heed, euen Christ,
16 in whom yf all the body be coupled and knet together thorow out euery ioynt wherwith one ministreth to another (accordynge to the operacyon as euery parte hath hys measure) he increaseth the body, vnto the edifyinge of it selfe thorowe loue.