Deuteronomy 6:21-25

Great(i) 21 Then thou shalt saye vnto thy sonne: We were Pharaos bondmen in Egypte, and the Lorde brought vs out of Egipte with a myghtie hande. 22 And the Lorde shewed signes & wondres greate & euell vpon Egypte, vpon Pharao & vpon all hys housholde, before oure eyes, 23 but brought vs oute from thence: to brynge vs in, and to geue vs the lande which he sware vnto oure fathers. 24 And he hath commaunded vs, to do all these ordinaunces, and to feare the Lorde oure God, for oure welth all the dayes of our lyfe, as it is come to passe thys daye. 25 Moreouer thys shalbe oure ryghteousnes before the Lorde oure God, yf we take hede & kepe all these commaundmentes, as he hath commaunded vs.