Deuteronomy 20:10-16

Great(i) 10 When thou comest nye vnto a cytie to fyght agaynst it offre them peace. 11 And yf they answere the agayne peasably, and open vnto the, then let all the people that is founde therin, be tributaryes vnto the, and serue the. 12 And yf they wyll make no peace wt the, but make warre agaynste the, thou shalt besege it. 13 And when the Lorde thy God hath delyuered it into thyne handes, thou shalt smyte all the males therof wyth the edge of the swerde: 14 But the wemen and the chyldren, and the catell, and all that is in the cytie, and all the spoyle therof, shalt thou take vnto thy selfe, and eate the spoyle of thyne enemyes, which the Lorde thy God hath geuen the. 15 Thus shalt thou do vnto all the cyties whych are a greate waye of from the, and not of the cyties of these nacyons. 16 But of the cyties of these nacions, which the Lorde thy God shall geue the to enheret, thou shalt saue alyue nothinge that bretheth.