Daniel 8:13-16

Great(i) 13 Upon this I hearde one of the sainctes speakynge, which saynte sayde vnto one that asked this question. Howe longe shall this visyon of the daylye sacrifyce and of the wastinge abhominacyon endure: that the Sanctuary and the power shall so be troden vnder fote? 14 And he answered him: Unto the euenynge & the mornynge, euen two thousande and thre hundreth dayes: then shall the Sanctuary be clensed agayne. 15 Nowe when I Daniel had sene this vision: and sought for the vnderstandynge of it: beholde, there stode before me a thinge like vnto a man. 16 And I herde a mans voyce in the riuer of Ulay, which cryed, and sayd: O Gabriel, make this man vnderstande the visyon.