Acts 14:1-4

Great(i) 1 And it fortuned in Iconium, that they went both together into the synagoge of the Iewes, and so spake, that a greate multytude both of the Iewes and also of the Grekes beleued. 2 But the vnbeleuyng Iewes, steryd vp, and vnquieted the myndes of the gentyls agaynste the brethren. 3 Longe tyme abode they there, and quyt them selues boldly with the helpe of the Lord, which gaue testimony vnto the worde of his grace, & graunted sygnes and wondres to be done by their handes. 4 But the multitude of the cytie was deuyded: and parte helde with the Iewes, & parte with the Apostles.