Acts 13:26-39

Great(i) 26 Ye men and brethren, chyldren of the generacyon of Abraham, and whosoeuer among you feareth God, to you is thys worde of saluacyon sent. 27 For the inabiters of Ierusalem and theyr rulers, because they knew him not, nor yet the voyces of the prophetes which are redde euery Saboth daye, they haue fulfylled them, in condempnynge him. 28 And when they founde no cause of deeth in hym, yet desyred they Pylate to kyll hym. 29 And whan they had fulfylled all that were wryten of him, they toke him downe from the tree, and put hym in a sepulchre. 30 But God raysed him agayne from death, 31 and he was sene many dayes of them whych came vp with hym from Galile to Ierusalem: Which are hys wytnesses vnto the people. 32 And we declare vnto you, how that the promesse (whych was made vnto the fathers) 33 God hath fulfilled vnto their children (euen vnto vs) in that he raysed vp Iesus agayne. euen as it is writen in the fyrst psalme: Thou art my sonne, this daye haue I begoten the. 34 As concernynge that he raysed him vp from death, now nomore to returne to corrupcion he sayd on thys wyse: The holy promyses made to Dauid, wyl I geue faythfully to you. 35 Wherfore, he sayeth also in another place. Thou shalt not suffre thyne holy to se corrupcyon. 36 For Dauid (after he had in hys tyme fulfylled the wyll of God) fell on slepe, and was layde vnto hys fathers, and sawe corrupcyon. 37 But he whom God raysed agayn sawe no corrupcyon. 38 Be it knowne vnto you therfore (ye men and brethren) that thorowe thys man is preached vnto you the forgeuenes of sinnes, 39 and that by hym, all that beleue, are iustyfyed from all thynges, from which ye coulde not be iustifyed by the lawe of Moses.