19 and not that onelye, but is also chosen of the congregacions to be a felowe with vs in oure iorney, concerning this beniuolence that is ministred by vs vnto the prayse of the same Lorde, and to stere vp youre prompte mynde.
20 For thys we exchewe, that eny man shuld rebuke vs in this plenteous distrybucyon, that is ministred by vs
21 and make prouisyon for honest thinges: not onely in the syght of the Lorde: but also in the syght of men.
22 We haue sent wt them a brother of oures, whom we haue ofte tymes proued dilygent in many thynges: but nowe moch more diligent.
23 The greate confidence which I haue in you, hath caused me thys to do: partelye for Titus sake which is my felowe and helper as concernyng you: partely because of other which are our brethren, and the messengers of the congregacyons, & the glory of Christ.
24 Wherfore, shewe ye vnto them the proffe of youre loue, and of oure boastynge of you in the syght of the congregacyons.