2 Corinthians 11:21-28

Great(i) 21 I speake as concerning rebuke, as though we had bene weake, Howbeit, wherinsoeuer eny man dare be bolde (I speake folyshly) I dare be bolde also. 22 They are Ebrues, euen so am I. They are Israelites, euen so am I. They are the seede of Abraham, euen so am I. 23 They are the mynisters of Chryst (I speake as a foole) I am more. In labours more aboundante: In strypes aboue measure: In preson more plenteouslye: In deeth ofte. 24 Of the Iewes fyue tymes receaued I euery tyme .xl. strypes saue one. 25 Thryse was I beaten wt roddes, I was once stoned, I suffered thryse shypwracke. Nyght and daye haue I bene in the deepe see. 26 In iorneying often: in parels of waters: in parels of robbers: in ieopardyes of myne awne nacyon: in ieopardyes among the hethen: in parels in the citie: in parels in wildernes: in parels in the see: in parels amonge false brethren: 27 in laboure & trauayle: in watchinges often: in honger and thyrst: in fastynges often: in colde and nakednes: 28 besyde the thinges which outwardly happen vnto me. I am combred daylye, and do care for all congregacyons.