1 Samuel 31:4-7

Great(i) 4 Then sayd Saul vnto his harnesberer draw out thy swerde, & thrust me thorowe therwyth, lest these vncircumcised come, & thrust me thorowe and make a mockynge stocke of me. But hys harnesberer wolde not, for he was sore afrayed. And Saul toke a swerde, and fell vpon it. 5 And when his harnesberer sawe that Saul was deed, he fell lykewyse vpon his swerde, & dyed wyth hym. 6 And so Saul dyed, & his thre sonnes, and his harnesberer, and all hys men that same daye togeather. 7 And when the men of Israel that were on the other syde of the valeye, & they of the other syde Iordan, heard, that the men of Israel were put to flight, and that Saul and hys sonnes were deed, they left the cyties, & ranne awaye and the Philistines cam, and dwelt in them.