1 Samuel 20:13-17

Great(i) 13 the Lord do so and so vnto Ionathas. But yf my father haue any pleasure to do the euell, I wyll shewe the also, and sende the awaye that thou mayst go in peace. And the Lorde be wyth the, as he hath bene with my father. 14 And thou shalt performe vnto me the mercy of the Lorde, not onely whyle I lyue but euen when I am deed, 15 and plucke not thy mercy awaye from my house for euer: No not when the Lorde hath destroyed the enemyes of Dauid, euery one from the face of the erth. 16 And so Ionathas made a bonde with the house of Dauid, desyringe that the Lord shulde seke it out by the handes of Dauids enemyes (yf it were broken.) 17 And wt other wordes dyd Ionathas sweare vnto Dauid, because he loued him. For he loued him, as his awne soule.