2 When thou art departed from me this daye, thou shalt fynde two men by Rahels sepulcre in the border of BenIamin, euen at Zalezah. And they will saye vnto the: the asses which thou wentest to seke, are founde. And lo, thy father hath left the care of the asses, & soroweth for you, sayenge: what shall I do for my sonne?
3 Then shalt thou go forth from thence, & shalt come to the playne of Thabor. And there shall mete the thre men goinge vp, to God to Bethel: one caryeng thre kiddes: & another caryeng thre loues of breed: & another caryeng a botell of wyne.
4 And they wyll salute the, & geue the two loues of breed: which thou shalt receaue of theyr handes.
5 After that shalt thou come to the hyll of God, where the Philistines kepe their watche. And when thou art come thyther to the cytie, thou shalt mete a companye of prophetes comminge downe from the hill, wt a psalter, a tymbrell, a pype, & a harpe before them, & they shall prophesye.
6 And the sprete of the Lorde wyll come vpon the also, & thou shalt prophesye, with them, and shalt be turned into another man.
7 Therfore when these signes are chaunced the, do what thou hast to do, for God is wyth the.
8 And thou shalt go before me to Gilgal. And I also wyll come downe vnto the, to sacrifye burntsacrifyces, and to offre peace offerynges Tary for me seuen dayes, tyll I come to the, and shew the, what thou shalt do.
9 And assone as he had turned hys shoulder to go from Samuel, God gaue hym another maner of herte, & all those tokens came to passe that same daye.