1 Kings 7:47-50

Great(i) 47 And Salomon left all the vessels vnwayed, because they were so exceadyng many, neyther founde they oute the weyght of the brasse. 48 And so Salomon made all the vessels that pertayned vnto the house of the Lorde: the golden aulter and the golden table, wheron the shewe bread was. 49 And fyue candelstyckes, for the ryght syde, and fyue for the lefte before the queer of pure golde: with floures, 50 lampes, and snoffers of golde: & boules, flat peces, basons, spones and masoures of pure golde: and hindges made he of golde for the dores of the queer, the place moost holy, and for the dores of the temple also.