15 For he cast two pillers of brasse of .xviij. cubites hye a pece, & a stringe of .xij. cubites dyd compasse ether them about.
16 And he made .ij. heed peces of molten brasse (after the fasshion of a crowne) to sett on the toppes of the pyllers. The heigth of the one heed pece conteined .v. cubites, & the heigth of the other heed pece conteyned .v. cubites also:
17 he made also net worck & garlandes of cheyne worcke, vpon the heed peces that were on the top of the pyllers, euen seuen rowes vpon the one heed pece, and seuen vpon the other.
18 And so he made the pyllers, and two rowes round about, in the one wrethen worcke, to couer the heed peces that were vpon the pomgranates. And thus dyd he also for the other heed pece.
19 And the heed peces that were on the toppes of the pillers, couered he aboue with a curyous worke of roses: towarde the palace by the space of .iiij. cubytes.
20 Likewyse, vnder the heed peces in those .ij. pillers beneth, oueragainst the middes & before the net worke. And vpon the seconde heed pece were ther .ij.C. pomgranates in two rowes round about.
21 And he set vp the pillers in the porch of the temple. And when he had set vp the rightpiller, he called the name therof Ioachim: & whan he had set vp the left piller, he called the name therof Boaz.
22 And in the toppe of the pyllers was a worke of roses, and so was the workmanshyp of the pyllers finyshed.
23 And he made a molten lauatory, ten cubytes wyde from brym to brym, round in compasse, & .v. cubytes hye. And a stryng of thirtye cubytes dyd compasse it about:
24 and vnder the brym of it, there were knoppes round about, ten in one cubite: and they compassed the lauatory round about. And the knoppes were cast wt it, in two rowes, when it was caste.
25 And it stode on twelue oxen: of which thre loked toward the north .iij. towarde the west .iij. towarde the south, & .iij. toward the east. and the lauatory stode vpon them, & all theyr hinderpartes were inward.
26 It was an hand breadeth thycke, & the brym wrought lyke the brim of a cup wt floures of lylies. And it conteyned two thousande bates.
27 And he made .x. sokettes of brasse .iiij. cubites longe, and .iiij. cubites broade a pece, & .iij. cubites hye.
28 And the worke of the sokettes was on this maner. They had sides, and the sydes were betwene the ledges.
29 And on the sydes that were betwene the ledges, were lyons, oxen and cherubs. And lykewyse, vpon the ledges that were aboue: and beneth the lyons and oxen were certayne addicions made of thynne worke.
30 And vnder euery soket, were foure brasen wheles, and bordes of brasse. And in the foure corners therof, were vndersetters vnder the lauatorye, cast eche oueragaynst hys felowe.
31 And the stalke of the lauatory was in the myddle of it, one cubite hye, and a cubite and an halfe rounde: and in the heigth of it were grauen workes, whose sydes were made foursquare, and not rounde.
32 And vnder the sydes were .iiij. wheles: and the axeltrees ioyned fast to the bottome. And the heygth of euery whele was a cubyte and an halfe.
33 And the workmanshyp of the wheles was lyke the worke of a charret whele. And the axeltrees, the nauelles, spokes and shaftes were all molten:
34 And there were foure vndersetters in the .iiij. corners of one socket: and the vndersetters were of the very bottome selfe.
35 And in the heygth of the bottome was there round compasse of a cubite hye: and in that heygth of the bottome, there proceaded both ledges & sydes out of the same.
36 For in the bordes of the ledges, and on the sydes, he had grauen pyctures of cherubins, lyons and palmetrees, one by an other rounde aboute.
37 Thus made he the ten sockettes after this maner. And they had all one fashion of castyng: one measure, and one sise.