1 Kings 6:16-20

Great(i) 16 And he syled .xx. cubytes in the sydes of the queer of the temple, both floore & walles with bordes of Cedar, & dressed it within in the secrete place of the temple, euen in the moost holye. 17 And the fyrst house, that is to saye, the body of the temple without, was fourtye cubites longe. 18 And the Cedar of the house within, was kerued with knoppes, & grauen with floures, and all was Cedar timber, so that no stone was sene. 19 And the queer that was within the temple, he prepared, to set there the arcke of the appoyntement of the Lorde: 20 And the queer before was twentye cubites longe, and twenty cubites in bredth, and twentye cubytes in heygth. And he syled it with pure golde, and borded the aultare with Cedar.