1 And Elia the Thesbite (whych was of the enhabiters of Gilead) sayde vnto Ahab: as truly as the Lord God of Israel lyueth, before whome I stande there shalbe nether dewe nor rayne these yeres, but accordynge to my worde.
2 And the worde of the Lorde came vnto him, sayeng:
3 gett the hence, & turne the estwarde, & hide thy selfe in the brooke Cherith, that is it that lyeth before Iordan:
4 Thou shalt drynck of the ryuer, & I haue commaunded the rauens to fede the there.
5 And so he went, & dyd according vnto the worde of the Lord: For he went, & dwelt by the brooke Cherith, that is before Iordan.
6 And the rauens brought him bread & fleshe in the mornyng, & lykewise bread & flessh in the euening, & he drancke of the brooke.
7 And it chaunced after a while, that the brooke dryed vp, because ther fell no rayne vpon the erth
8 And the word of the Lorde came vnto him, sayeng:
9 vp & gett the to Zarphath, whych is in Sido, & dwell there. Beholde I haue commaunded a wydowe there to sustayne the.
10 So he arose, & went to Zarphath. And when he came to the gate of the cytie, the wedow was there, geathering stickes. And he called to her, & sayd: fet me I praye the, a lytle water in a vessell, that I maye dryncke.
11 And as she was goyng to fett it, he cryed after her, and sayd: bryng me I praye the, a morsell of bread also in thyne hande.
12 She sayd: As truely as the Lord thy God lyueth, I haue no bread readye, but euen an handfull of mele in a barell, and a lyttle oyle in a cruse. And behold, I am gathering two stickes for to go in, & dresse it for me and my sonne, that we maye eate it, and dye.