1 Kings 16:9-11

Great(i) 9 And his seruaunt Zimri (which was captayne of halfe his charettes) conspired agaynst hym, as he was in Thirza drynckynge: and was droncken in the house of Arza stuard of hys house in Thirza. 10 And Zimri came, and smote him, and kylled hym in the .xxvij. yere of Asa kynge of Iuda, and raygned in hys steade. 11 And it fortuned that whan he was kynge and satt on hys seate, he slue all the house of Baasa, not leauynge therof, one to pisse agaynst a wall: Yee, he slue hys kynsfolkes and frendes, also.