1 Corinthians 7:32-36

Great(i) 32 I wolde haue you without care. He that is vnmaryed, careth for the thynges that belong to the Lord, howe he maye please the Lord. 33 But he the hath maryed a wyfe careth for the thinges that are of the worlde, howe he maye please his wyfe. 34 There is difference betwene a virgin & a wife. The syngle woman careth for the thinges that are of the Lorde, that she maye be holy both in bodye & also in sprete. Agayne: she that is maryed, careth for the thinges that pertayne to the worlde, how she maye please her husbande. 35 This speake I for youre profet, not to tangle you in a snare: but that ye maye folowe it which is honest & comly, & that ye maye cleaue vnto the Lorde without separacion. 36 If eny man thynke that it is vncomly for his virgin, yf she passe the tyme of maryage, and yf so nede require, let him do what he lysteth, he synneth not: let them be coupled in mariage.